Category Archive: Winter Term

Exhibit Layout Drafts

Below are initial exhibit layouts I played around with based on a rectangular museum space. The idea is to create an atmosphere that would create smooth traffic flow, allowing visitors to access the… Continue reading

Branding Sketches

These are the initial notes, brainstorming ideas and sketches that were produced for the branding of the exhibit.  

Branding Personality

  Core Proposition Swearing, its history, and its transformation throughout time is a subject that has been hiding in the shadows for centuries, but will now be brought into light as something that… Continue reading

Winter Term Schedule

Below is the schedule as to how the phases of the project will be broken down into and how the individual deliverables will be executed.   You may also click here to download… Continue reading

Project Deliverables

Below is the detailed list of the deliverables for this project. This mobile exhibit project involves branding, the exhibit layout design, the illustration touch-screen installation program, definition quiz game panels, swearing input booths,… Continue reading

Design Project Proposal

PAST PRESENT FU#%@! (read as “PAST PRESENT FUTURE”) is a project that will present the topic of the history of swearing in the English language and the transformation and expansions of the profane… Continue reading

Initial Exhibit Space Ideas

Here are some scans of the exhibit layouts and display sketches I am hoping to include in the space. I have started a three-dimensional rendered version of the exhibit to illustrate the different… Continue reading