About the Project

Swearing, its history, and its transformation throughout time is a subject that has been hiding in the shadows for centuries, but will now be brought into light as something that people can openly discuss and discover, revealing its purpose, its power, and its contribution the evolution and creation of our society today.

(read as “PAST PRESENT FUTURE”) is a project that will present the topic of the history of swearing in the English language and the transformation and expansions of the profane language throughout time. Swearing is an action that has been practiced for centuries and still being practiced by society today. People use profane language as a tool to express strong emotions they are feeling. They may swear when they are upset, angry, frustrated, or shocked as it is a way of relieving stress and anxiety. But where did these words come from and how did these particular ‘swearwords’ become recognized as profane speech in the first place? Through this project, I aim to address these questions, curiosities, and ideas about swearing.

This project is created by Jennifer Lee, done in fulfillment for YSDN4104: Design Workshop, a course offered at York University taught by Maria Gabriele.